

La Cernière
49490 Dénezé-sous-le-Lude, France

For driving directions from your home to La Cerniére, simply press the directions button on the map! You can even print them off!

From Noyant, towards Le Lude take the left turn to Deneze s/s Le Lude, follow on through the village and take the left after the bridge towards Challones s/s Le Lude, follow until the first left toward Abbaye de la Boissieres, follow on and straight ahead on the left hand bend is the entrance to La Cerniere, black metal gates flanked by two large terracotta planters. Welcome.

From Le Lude, towards Noyant, take the left turn towards Abbaye de la boissieres, follow on to the first right hand sweeping turn and take this, you will find the entrance to La Cerniere on your right as the road bends to the left, black metal gates flanked by two large terracotta planters. Welcome.